About Me And About This Project
My name is Ahmed Salem Al Akbari and I am 23 years old. Moreover, I live in Abu Dhabi with my family since I was bore in 1984. My family consist of have five brothers and three sisters. I am the oldest between them. I have also many hobbies, for example, playing football, swimming, art, horses rising and I like to spent time with my friends. I finished my high school in 2002 and I am planning to continue my study until I get my master degree in medical imaging. In addition, I want to tell you about my project, which is very interesting project. This project is talking about serious issue called global warming. In this project, I will explain the causes, effects and the possible solutions of this problem.
nice introduction and good blogger site. I hope all of us visit your site and read what you have written to get a useful information about the global warming.
Thanks Abdullah and i hope you get the advantage from seeing my site.
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