Increasing in populations is one of the main causing of global warming. To explain furtherer, more people need more food, home, water and cloths. This means more jungles will destroy because the cities or towns get bigger. As a result, the green surface will decrease. From this we know that Oxygen concentration is going to decline in atmosphere, but Carbon dioxide concentration is going to increase. Because trees take CO2 from atmosphere and gives O2 It is also means extra carbon dioxide will come from factories to supply the people demands such as food, drinks and cloths. Thus humans activities are the main cause of global warming.
I agree with you about the problem of global population. This, in the matter of fact, is because nowadays the rate of death is lower than before because we have more developed hospitals and equipments that provide more health care to us. But if we want to solve this problem we can’t go and kill others or cause world war III. So what do you think is the solution to this problem?
I think we should find a area that not use for any thing such as deserts. More than that we have to use the underground to build houses and the technologist will help us to find a solution.
Ok but what about the solution you dont expect the people to kill themself or not to get married. Explain some solution.
Of course there is solution, but it will not be that easy. In my opinion educate the both genders could help us to solve the problem. To explain further, when women get educate, she gets job and her husband also work. As result they don’t have time to meet a lot’s.
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